Many student activities are offered to students outside of the school day. These activities are: Volunteer Service projects, Girl/Boy Scouts, Destination Imagination, Student Council, Safety Patrol, Yearbook, and Athletics which include volleyball, football, basketball & softball.
Students in grades 5-8 have the opportunity to play in several sports. We highly encourage all students to try at least one sport for the physical and social aspects. Our athletic board and coaches abide by the Madison Area Independent School Athletic League (MAISL) league with other Madison area Catholic and private schools, whose mission is to give students a foundation of understanding of different sports, sportsmanship, benefits of being a team player, and skill development. Students get equal time playing regardless of their experience prior to joining a team no matter which grade they start.
Open to all 5-8th grade students in the fall are Boys Football and Girls Volleyball. Winter sports are Girls and Boys Basketball. Spring sports are Boys Volleyball and Girls Softball.
Each September Nick Conrad, SHS alum and former parent runs the Christopher Conrad Memorial Golf Outing, with proceeds going to the school and athletic program. You may call Tina Muller, Athletic Director and Physical Education teacher with any questions about our fundraisers at 608-837-8508, ext. 214.
Please click on a relevant Athletic Handbook link below in order to learn details regarding regulations, athletic board members, directions to other schools, etc.
1 - Code of Conduct
2 - Philosophy
3 & 4 - Athletic Programs
5 - Sports Administration
6 - Student Athlete Responsibilities
7 - Parent Commitment & Responsibility
8 - Coach Responsibilities
9 - Venue Directions
10.1 & 10.2 Athletic Permit Card
10.3 - Alternate Year Athletic Permit Card
10.4 - Medical Emergency Form
10.5 & 10.6 Parent & Student Agreement Form
10.7 - Coach Agreement Form
* Concussion information for parents (youth sports)
** More concussion information
**School apparel shop is now closed**
Show your school spirit by ordering your athletics apparel here!