Students attend all school mass once a week on Wednesday at 8:30. Each grade takes a turn planning liturgies, with the students doing much of the preparation and implementation of the celebration. Prayer services are celebrated throughout the year and the seasons of the church.
Faculty, staff and students are involved in a wide variety of community service opportunities. From individual classroom service programs to all school community service events, each child has the opportunity in small and large ways, to make a positive impact on their world. Within the school community, students from the 5th grade on have the opportunity to become altar servers for school (and parish) Masses. Many classrooms do individual service projects. During Advent, the entire school works on projects serving the needs of the Sun Prairie community. In the season of Lent, the school targets one or two global projects that impact our world in a positive way. Our hope is that these valuable experiences give our children the foundation to carry on service to their community and world as they grow into compassionate, giving adults.
Another focus we have is developing a verse or quote in which to focus our faith yearly. From this, we create a saint of the month to guide our prayers and our teachings in the classroom.
For the latest news and information at each parish, contact them directly at:
Sacred Hearts
Phone: 608-837-7381
St. Albert the Great
Phone: 608-837-3798
Madison Diocese
Bishop Donald J. Hying
5th Bishop of Madison