Each family is required to sign that they have read the handbooks and agree to abide by their contents. To sign, visit https://bit.ly/shjmshandbook and submit electronically.
See the special Admissions tab on the website menu for complete information on 3K through 8th grade admissions.
Parents are encouraged to schedule appointments outside of regular school hours. If it is necessary to make appointments during the school day, the teacher and office should be notified in writing prior to the appointment. Parents may park in front of school, call the office upon arrival, and we will send your child out to you. You may also come into the building to pick up your child as well.
Our athletic programs provide experiences to our students in grades 5 through 8 to help them develop Christian attitudes of cooperation and competition, as well as to develop physically, mentally, and emotionally. Athletics should enhance and complement the education program. Participation is a privilege that carries with it responsibilities to the parish, team, school, and the student him/herself. Effort, academic progress, and behavior qualify students to participate in the athletic program. The principal makes the final decision regarding participation. Please refer to the Athletic Handbook for specific details related to athletic polices.
Regular school attendance should be a priority for all students/families. It is imperative students arrive at school on time. A child is considered tardy if he or she arrives after the 7:50 a.m. bell. For safety reasons, parents are to call school or email the attendance mailbox ([email protected]) to let us know their child will be absent or late. Please do so before 8:30 a.m. The office will call if the absence has not been reported. Students that are habitually absent or tardy will receive a notification from the school office when the number of days is trending towards truancy. Students that are excessively absent without reasonable cause, may have their enrollment revoked.
Students in Grades 4 to 8 are offered the opportunity to take lessons to play a musical instrument and be a part of either the Beginning or Advanced Band. A teacher hired and supervised by Overture Band Programs, Inc., provides the lessons at Sacred Hearts School. Lessons and band rehearsals are held during regular school hours. There is an additional fee for band lessons. Instrument rentals are also available.
Bicycles may be brought to school if they are placed in the rack provided and locked. Unlocked bicycles are the responsibility of the student. Students must walk bicycles on and off the playground and are not permitted to ride them on any part of school premises during school hours. Students are encouraged to participate in the bicycle safety program offered each spring by the Sun Prairie Police Department.
Students are not permitted to hold parties in the classroom without the cooperation of the teacher and the knowledge of the principal. Classrooms are encouraged to celebrate the holidays and the birthdays of the students. Students are permitted to bring birthday treats if they bring one for each student. Students may only hand out invitations to parties if they have one for each member of the class. Students may not have pizza/lunch parties for their birthday or receive deliveries such as flowers or balloons.
Bus transportation is regulated by the school district in which you reside. You can obtain specific information by calling the central office of your school district and asking for the person in charge of transportation. Children are to follow the safety rules given by the bus drivers. Students may be disciplined at school for misbehavior on the bus. Transportation may be denied to those who refuse to cooperate with the rules of the bus. The bus loading and unloading area is on Vine Street. Cars may not park in this area. Safety cadets assist the children in boarding buses at school dismissal.
Although cell phones have become very common in today's society, these items are not needed in the educational environment. Students who bring these items to school must turn them OFF and must deposit them in the provided bins in the classroom as directed by their teacher. Students are not to use their phone to make a call, text message, play games, or access voice mail or internet via phone or iPod during the school day. Students who violate this policy may have their phone confiscated and returned to the parent. These items may not be used on school grounds, including the playground, during school hours unless given permission by a staff member.
The curriculum at Sacred Hearts follows the Curriculum Standards of the Diocese of Madison and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. A complete description of the curriculum standards is available online at www.madisondiocese.org.
Sacred Hearts Daycare is open year-round. The daycare provides before and after school and summer care for school-aged children and preschool children enrolled at Sacred Hearts School. For more information, please contact the daycare at 608-825-3004.
Discipline/The Spartan Way
As members of a Christian community, we believe each of us is created in the image and likeness of God. Discipline implies a way of learning and behaving. One of the most important facets of education involves the learning of an inner discipline and the wise use of freedom. It is expected that students respect themselves, those with whom they come in contact, and the facilities and materials available to them. Parental support is essential for the effectiveness of the discipline policy. Sacred Hearts follows a school wide behavioral program called "The Spartan Way". This program has three basic expectations: Respect, Responsibility, and Safety. Students are taught what each of these expectations look like in all areas of the school.
Reasons for disciplinary action include, but are not limited to the following:
Sacred Hearts School has an extensive written plan that outlines procedures for all types of emergencies. All classrooms have a copy of these procedures. Emergency plans are practiced throughout the school year in consultation with the Sun Prairie Police Department.
Field trips enhance the curriculum and students are expected to attend. A permission slip signed by a parent/guardian must be obtained for each student participating in a field trip and must be turned into the office before the trip. The student pays the costs of transportation and fees. If you need financial assistance, please contact the principal. Siblings enrolled at Sacred Hearts School are not permitted to attend other siblings’ field trips. Non-school-aged siblings may attend field trips at the discretion of the teacher and principal.
Sacred Hearts Parish is dedicated to providing quality Catholic education for all families. The school is funded by tuition, subsidy from the parishes of Sacred Hearts and St. Albert’s, interest earned from the endowment fund, and fundraising efforts. Therefore, in choosing Sacred Hearts School for their children’s education, parents make a commitment to financially support the school. The tuition rates are established and reviewed annually.
At the time of registration, each family signs a tuition contract indicating their choice of payment options. Parents are responsible for payment of the amount of tuition remaining after subtracting subsidies from the parish to which they belong. Families who do not fulfill their financial obligations to Sacred Hearts School jeopardize their enrollment status. Report cards/student records may be held if financial commitments are not met. Recognizing that some families may need assistance in keeping their financial commitments to Sacred Hearts School, programs of tuition aid and grants are offered to those who qualify. Tuition fees will be pro-rated for families who withdraw during the school year.
Because tuition, endowment, and parish subsidy do not presently meet the costs of educating our children, each family is required to participate in the fundraisers established to help us meet our financial obligations. Parent cooperation in these projects is essential to their success. A detailed description of each fundraiser is sent home at the beginning of the year. We ask you to also consider volunteering to help coordinate or run one of our fundraisers throughout the year.
A current record of immunization history is to be on file in the office for every student. State law prohibits the dispensing of medication by school personnel without a written release from a physician or parent for prescriptions or over-the-counter medication. All prescription and over the counter medication must be in the original labeled container with the name of the child and medication directions. The office is required to monitor all medications. All medications are kept in the school office in a locked cabinet. Students may not keep medications -- both over-the-counter and prescription medications -- in their lockers/backpacks with the exception of authorized (by physician and school office) inhalers.
Parents are asked to keep their children home if they are too sick to participate in school activities. Any child with a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea will be sent home. Students must be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school.
Homework is an essential part of our school’s program. Homework is intended to increase a child’s ability to work independently, become self-reliant, and improve proficiency in a subject. It requires students to complete work promptly and accurately, and takes priority over extra-curricular activities. Parents can help by providing the right environment for concentration, ample time, and above all, encouragement. If you notice that your child is consistently without homework, has too much homework, or does not understand assignments, please contact your child’s teacher.
Internet access is for authorized educational and research purposes in the classrooms, library, or while using the school computers. Access entails responsibility. Students are responsible for appropriate behavior online just as they are in other areas of the school. All Internet users are aware that some accessible material may be offensive, illegal, defamatory or in opposition to our Catholic beliefs. Sacred Hearts will take reasonable precautions to restrict access to controversial materials. An adult supervisor must be present at all times during student Internet use. Students may not access the Internet on personal devices without permission.
Students are not allowed to create, send or access e-mails from school that are of a personal nature. They are permitted to use electronic mail when it is of a curricular nature or are instructed to do so by a teacher. The use of instant messaging or chat rooms is prohibited. Use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right. The principal and teachers will deem what is appropriate use. The system administrator will review files and communications to ensure that students are using it responsibly. Inappropriate use of the Internet will result in serious consequences. Students may be disciplined for online blogs (such as Facebook) that include content (comments or photos) which are defamatory towards the school, faculty, or other students.
For a complete guide of internet and techonolgy use, please see the Technology Policy Handbook.
Sacred Hearts School reserves the right to post photographs of students on the school’s website and social media. Student names will not be posted. Parents who do not want their child’s photo to appear on the school website or social media can contact the school office.
A supply of books, reference materials, magazines, computers, iPads, and other learning materials are available for students to use in the school library and for checkout. Students are permitted to withdraw as many as 3 books at a time for a period of two weeks. Renewal of these books for another two weeks is possible. If a book is damaged, the student will be charged for the cost of repair or replacement. Full price will be charged for lost books. Students who do not abide by these rules will lose library privileges.
Students are assigned a locker at the beginning of the year. These lockers are to be kept in good order and may not be locked. Students may use magnets only to decorate their lockers with appropriate items. Lockers are the property of Sacred Hearts School. We have the right to search the contents at any time. All student backpacks must be soft-sided and be able to fit inside lockers. Students are not permitted to store backpacks or other personal property in school hallways or classrooms during the school day, with the exception of boots.
A table for lost articles is kept at school. Parents are asked to have their children look through this area when things are missing. Articles not claimed within a reasonable time will be donated.
Hot lunch is served daily. To avoid wasting food, parents are asked to consult the monthly menus to determine when their children will eat hot lunch. Milk may be purchased for cold lunches. Lunches should be orederd in advance for the week ahead. The opportunity to apply for free or reduced lunch is available at any time during the year. Lunch fees will be charged to your family financial account. Lunches or milk may not be charged. We cannot provide credit for this program.
We, at Sacred Hearts School, believe that as members of a Catholic community, students will witness and experience the love of God in a warm and caring atmosphere. This environment provides learning experiences which allow each child the opportunity for personal growth. The family, school, and parish work as partners in this endeavor.
Information is communicated to school families through a weekly newsletter system. The newsletter and attachments are posted on the first day of school each week on the school's website. Please read the entire posting online each week, print of any pertinent information, fill out what needs to be returned to school. Anyone wishing to submit something for distribution, must have prior approval from the principal.
At any time during the school year if a question arises concerning your child or Sacred Hearts School, please contact the faculty or staff member most closely associated with the question. If further help is needed to resolve the concern, please contact the principal. All attempts at settling a grievance at the lowest possible administrative level must first be exhausted. Those levels include in this order: teacher/ staff, principal, pastor. Confidentiality shall be maintained at all times by all parties.
No vehicles are permitted on the playground. Cars must always be parked in a legal parking spot. Please do not park, or wait in your car, in the crosswalks, in posted areas. You may not park in the lot behind the parish center to drop off or pick up students (see transportation plan under the 'parents' tab).
Students are expected to show respect for teachers, supervisors, other students, and the school grounds at all times while on the playground. Safety is the number one priority on the playground. Students are to adhere to all directions given by the playground supervisors. Each classroom has a detailed list of playground rules and polices that students are oriented to each year.
Each of us has a responsibility to care for what God has created. Recycling is one way we accept responsibility as good stewards of the earth. Students and teachers at Sacred Hearts are responsible for recycling both in their classroom and in the cafeteria.
Report cards are issued. Parents may also receive student progress reports in the middle of the quarter at the teachers’ discretion. Parent-teacher-student conferences are held at the end of the first quarter and whenever requested during the school year. When a concern arises about a student’s performance or the curriculum, please contact the teacher most directly involved.
Eighth grade students may serve as Safety Cadets. Their function is to direct, instruct, and assist the students in safely crossing the street, boarding buses, getting into cars, and riding bicycles properly. Cadets do not direct traffic. Cadets may also serve in other capacities within the school where needed.
The school begins supervision of students at 7:30 am. Students who do not take the bus or who are not enrolled in the Daycare Program should not arrive before 7:30 am. All students should be promptly picked up by 2:50 pm. or by 1:40 pm on Early Release Thursdays.
Sacred Hearts School keeps accurate records of each student’s attendance, academic progress and other records as required by law, such as immunizations. Student records are considered property of the school. In the event a student would transfer to another school, parents/guardians will be asked to sign a record release form and the records will be forwarded directly to the new school. Parents/guardians have the right to examine their child’s records in the presence of school administration, but may not remove or add anything to the records without the principal’s approval. Student records will not be transferred upon withdrawal/ graduation unless all tuition/ fees are paid.
The school office is open Monday through Friday from 7:15 am to 3:15 pm. Neither teachers nor students will be called from their classes to answer the telephone unless it is an emergency. Parents will be given a list of teachers’ extensions at the beginning of the year for their convenience. Students will not be permitted to use the phone to call for items they should have brought to school such as gym clothes, homework, etc. Students will not be allowed to use the phone to make after school plans (i.e.ask for permission to go to a friend’s house).
When children are absent for extended periods of time during the school year, they miss a tremendous amount of learning. With this in mind, we encourage families to take vacations during school breaks. If you do plan to take your child out of school for a vacation, please be sure to send written notification to your child’s teacher and school office. Please make arrangements with your child’s teacher for his/her class work well in advance.
Parents are welcome to visit the school, classroom, or playground at any time. For safety reasons, all visitors are required to report to the office and sign in on the visitor iPad. All visitors must enter the school building through the main doors on Columbus Street (door #1).
We encourage parents to be active in their child’s education. Volunteers are essential to our school and we ask families to volunteer as much as possible. Volunteers are enlisted to help in a variety of areas including in the library, on the playground, with fundraisers, athletics, and in the classroom.
The Diocese of Madison requires and conducts a criminal background check of all volunteers having contact with children. Additionally, the Diocese of Madison requires all volunteers to complete on online “VIRTUS: Protecting God’s Children” awareness session before volunteering in school activities. This includes but is not limited to: coaches, classroom volunteers, field trip chaperones, playground volunteers, etc. There will be no exceptions to this policy.
Sacred Hearts School is not involved in the decision to close school due to weather. We follow the decision of the Sun Prairie Area School District. Local TV and radio stations will carry school closings and late starts. In the event that school is released early due to severe weather, we will follow the directions on the “Emergency School Closing” form parents complete at the beginning of each school year. When a late start occurs, morning 4K will not be held.